Properties of fat burners


Let’s talk about Fat Burners, most of us will have heard of them before but if you haven’t then simply put its a nutrient supplement that claims to acutely increase your fat metabolism or energy expenditure, impair fat absorption, increase weight loss and fat oxidation during exercise, or somehow cause long-term adaptations that promote fat to be metabolised.

The majority of fat burners will contain several ingredients, each with its proposed mechanism of action and often claim that the combination of these substances will have additive effects. The list of supplements in fat burners that increase or improve fat metabolism is long; the most popular supplements being caffeine, L-carnitine, green tea, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), forskolin, chromium, Yohimbe, Glucomannan and Raspberry Ketones to name just a few.

We will cover some of these fat burner ingredients in this article but first, let us explain two terms that are often associated with fat loss or weight loss and fat burners.


Thermogenesis is a metabolic process in your body where it burns calories to produce heat. Several factors induce thermogenesis in your body including exercise, diet and environmental temperature. Thermogenesis can promote weight loss because it increases your body’s calorie burn which means you will be burning more calories over the day. Although inducing thermogenesis can help you burn more calories, a low-calorie diet and regular physical activity are the best ways for you to lose body weight.


Lipolysis is the process by which our bodies break down fats through enzymes and water, or hydrolysis. The Lipolysis process occurs in our tissue stores, which are the fatty tissues that cushion and line our bodies and vital organs. These stores of fats can be thought of simply as stored energy that your body can use when it needs extra energy.

During this process, free fatty acids are released into the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. Lipolysis can be defined as the process in the body of breaking down stored triglycerides (or triglycerides in the blood from the food we’ve just eaten), into two main components, glycerol and fatty acids. Fat burners can be used as the final 10% of your artillery against fat being stored.

When you are looking to drop fat your Diet is 70% to 80%, Exercise is 10% to 20% and fat burners are that final 10%, that play a role to support all of your persistence and hard work to maximize the amount of fat loss that your body achieves throughout the fat loss period of your training.

Therefore fat burners don’t work to their best effect when they’re used improperly. Usually, it’s because people don’t take into account the following four basic concepts for using a fat burner efficiently to lose weight. If you follow, the next fat burner you invest in may help you trim the fat and reveal that body you’ve been working hard to build.



One of the biggest mistakes that many people make is thinking they can just take a fat burner or fat-loss supplement and weight-loss results will be theirs. They think the fat burner is the miracle solution they’ve been looking for, however, sticking to a calorie-restricted diet is possibly 80 per cent of your battle. If you can do it and stay consistent with it, then you’ve done the vast majority of the work. The rest is exercise, time, and you can get extra 10% help from a fat loss supplement.

Fat burners can help enhance fat loss, but they’re only supporting when you have a proper diet is in place. Fat burners work in a variety of ways, they boost energy, help curb appetite, promote fat to be used for energy, and increase your metabolism and core temperature so you burn more calories throughout the day. But, if you take a fat burner and then feast on fast or processed foods, you won’t be seeing fat loss any time soon, if at all.

Fat burners are the as mentioned your final weapon to bring to the fight, they can help overcome sticking points, attack stubborn fat stores, or speed up the burning effects of the diet and exercise plan, but bring one weapon to the fight at a time, because the body is a fantastically effective creature of adaption, once it adapts to what you throw at it (restricted calories, exercise etc..) THEN bring out the fat burners.

Take a hard look at your diet and determine if it fits your fat loss goal. To lose fat and reveal a toned physique you’ll need to be eating in a calorie deficit which is fewer calories than your putting into your body, ensuring you’re getting lots of protein and maintaining other clean and healthy eating habits with slow-digesting carbs (unless you’re going Keto of course), healthy fats, and fresh vegetables. When you feel confident about your diet and in control of your nutritional environment you can start to explore fat burning supplementation.


Stay realistic with your expectations. Many people believe if they’re using a fat burner, they should be able to melt pounds of fat off each week. Sorry but…this is not gonna happen.

If you’re trying to lose fat, pill-popping, even to excess, is not going to be enough. There just aren’t any safe, natural “fat-burning” compounds powerful enough to, all on their own, cause meaningful weight reduction. Even the powerful non-legal drugs won’t have such dramatic effects if the diet is still poor.

Basic thermodynamics determine that you must burn more calories than you consume to lose weight, which is being in a caloric deficit. If people who hit the gym most days have a poor diet they tend not to lose any weight – the gym activity they do cannot outburn the number of calories they take in.

So how can taking a pill do more than 1 hour at the gym? We need all 3 combined to see results.

While your rate of fat loss can be enhanced, Remember: A more realistic but sustainable rate of fat loss is 1-to-2 pounds per week for average, healthy individuals. You can push this rate up to 4 pounds per week, but it’s not sustainable. Eventually, your body will hit a plateau and fat loss will slow.

If you’re dropping weight too quickly, this could mean you are losing lean muscle which is not ideal, sustainable weight loss takes time and consistency just as it does when building muscle.


Fat burners are designed specifically to give you the proper doses of various ingredients to support fat loss, that doesn’t mean that the more of the ingredients you take, the more results you’ll see.

As with most supplements, there is a tipping point from being effective and gaining no more effect from taking more, so always follow the instructions on the pack.


If you can’t start your day without a cup of coffee and you drink another 3-or-4 throughout your day, be careful about choosing a stimulant fat burner. Most fat burners, unless directly specified, contain caffeine or a caffeine-like substance, a stimulant. If you want to take a stimulant fat burner, watch your total intake of caffeine over the day.

If you’re mixing fat burners with multiple cups of coffee or any other caffeine-containing beverage, you could burn out your adrenal response quickly. You could experience fatigue easier and have a harder time recovering from workouts. In the end, that equals slower results.

One more point to make, fat is not “burned” it’s oxidized! The body needs oxygen to oxidize fat, which is why slow steady cardio has often been the choice of many bodybuilders as enough oxygen can be consumed whilst doing the cardio to oxidize the fat.

OK so let’s take a brief look at some of the more popular ingredients featured in fat burners and how they work.

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